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Interpreter Services

Request an interpreter

ODS offers free interpreting services for all members. Services are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Request an interpreter.

New Benefit tracker feature

Benefit Tracker now displays members preferred language!  The new feature will alert you when limited English proficiency and deaf or hard of hearing members have requested interpreter services for their dental appointments.

Learn more about the new benefit tracker feature

Language access training

This 15-minute training is designed for health care professionals who serve limited English proficient patients to improve clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction through best practices.

Watch training video


I Speak cards

The purpose of these cards is to help providers identify a member's preferred language when discussing healthcare. Members can present these cards at their medical and dental appointments.

You can print these cards by clicking on the languages below. You can also request printed cards from ODS.

Document translation

ODS Community Dental offers complementary document translation services for participating providers. Request document translation

Language proficiency test

To ensure that healthcare workers communicate in a language other than English in a safe and effective way, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) requires bilingual providers to demonstrate proficiency in their second language. This applies to licensed dental clinicians who provide direct care to limited English proficient patients.

Learn more about testing.

Become an OHA qualified interpreter (for bilingual staff)

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) requires that all bilingual staff providing interpreting services at clinical encounters must be OHA qualified or certified interpreters.

ODS Community Dental is pleased to announce that we are awarding 20 full scholarships to support clinical staff to become OHA qualified interpreters.

Learn more about scholarship for bilingual staff.
